A Passion for Putting

The idea for Spoiler Golf came from putting with a wedge, and learning how pure the ball rolled from the face of a leading edge vs a traditional “flat face” putter. We believe a better roll unlocks a better putting experience. So, we set out to change the face of putting for everyone.

face of the Spoiler Putter at a vertical view

From Idea to Green

We have been obsessed with the power of a better, earlier roll since we started putting with a wedge years ago.

Putting with a Wedge

My Dad had been putting with his wedge for months - telling me it "works and feels better" than a putter. So, I started messing around, bellying wedges on the green. Sure as shit, it did roll better.

sketch of a wedge and golf ball

There's a Better Way to Roll the Golf Ball

There has been minimal technology innovation when it comes to putters. Sure, there's great marketing. But, they all generally look the same, and pretty much perform the same. We knew there was a better way to roll the ball, and a novel way to design a putter head.

sketch of two people holding a putter

Play-dough, Model Magic, and Toothpicks

We began drawing diagrams incorporating a Leading Edge designed into a putter. We taped toothpicks onto putters, added cable and screwdriver bits to the face of putters, and molded them out of play-dough and model magic. We had some really ugly looking shapes - but we were getting closer!

sketch of the Spoiler OG Putter's first design

Bring in the Design Firm

After letting the initial excitement of our idea settle down for a bit, we went back to our best design, talked about it some more, and decided to seek out an Industrial Designer to help us. We showed them mock-ups, had multiple discussions back-and-forth, and finally milled our first true prototype with a moveable "Leading Edge" face.

sketch of the first Spoiler OG prototype

It Ain't As Easy As It Looks

After playing with the first prototype - we learned a lot about the design of the putter. Over the next year, we created multiple prototypes, some were too bulky, some dragged on the ground, some popped the ball up, etc. It seemed like the closer we got, the harder it got....until...we did get it.

lifestyle image of the Spoiler OG

And then Finally Spoiler OG was Born

Details Matter

After settling on the technical design of our first version of the Spoiler, we still needed to make sure it was aesthetically pleasing, and golfers would want to game the putter. So, we worked with our manufacturer to mill detail work into portions of the putter to give it an even sleeker look. Form meet function.

Sketch of Founder Jeff Landman

“Why can't we put a leading edge from a wedge on the face of a putter and make it easier for golfers to experience a better roll?”

Jeff Landman, Founder

Our Mission


The Evolution of Putter Design.

We create roll-volutionary putters that are seductive and designed to perform.


Stewards of Greatness on the Green.

We are focused on giving every golfer an edge when they step on the green.


Experience the Purest Roll in Golf.

We commit to give every golfer a reliable, pure putting experience every time they step on the green.

A Noticeably
Better Roll

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close-up product photo of the Spoiler Putter